San Jose Divorce Lawyer
Furthering Your Goals
For many spouses and parents, getting a divorce or handling other family law matters like child custody or support issues can be a source of stress. People care deeply about their families and the future of their loved ones. To protect them, you need to retain the services of an attorney who understands how much is at stake. Elainie Honjas is an experienced family law attorney who may be able to help you with a wide range of legal concerns. She has represented people in many Bay Area communities for the last 31 years.
Domestic Violence
Domestic violence occurs when a certain familial or intimate relationship exists between a person being abused and the abuser. Abuse can include physically hurting somebody, and it can also include sexual assault, making serious threats, stalking, harassing, or destroying somebody else's personal property. Domestic violence can occur in both heterosexual and same-sex relationships. A victim may ask for a domestic violence order from the court if someone has abused them or threatened to abuse them, and they have a close relationship to that person. A close relationship can include a marriage, a registered domestic partnership, divorced or separated spouses, a date, people living together as more than roommates, or the relationship of people who parent a child together. It can also include grandparents, parents, children, siblings, and in-laws.